761 lecteurs
Virtuos (logo)
Virtuos Cergy
10 avenue de l'entreprise
95000 Cergy

Postée le : 10.09.2024
Référence : AFJV-EDEV108-27549


Avec plus de 3 800 employés et 23 studios à travers le globe, Virtuos est l'un des plus gros développeurs indépendants au monde.
Depuis 2004, les plus grands acteurs de l'industrie (2K, Activision-Blizzard, Bandai-Namco, EA, Microsoft, Square Enix, Sony, Ubisoft, Warner Bros...) nous font confiance pour co-développer des assets graphiques, des niveaux, des quêtes, des DLC complets, des adaptations ou des missions d'engineering.

Nos équipes multiculturelles et cosmopolites ont régulièrement l'opportunité d'oeuvrer sur les franchises les plus populaires telles que Assassin's Creed, Beyond Good & Evil, Call of Duty, DC Comics, Dune, Horizon, Marvel, Need for Speed, The Last of Us, Tomb Raider A ce jour, nous avons livré des contenus haut de gamme pour plus de 1500 projets différents.

Virtuos est certifié "Great Place to Work" et figure parmi le top 3 des meilleurs employeurs IT selon le classement Pro-Conso publié dans 01net. La France compte 250 Virtuosi rassemblés dans trois studios : le premier à Cergy en région parisienne, le second au coeur de Lyon et le dernier en date à Montpellier.

Le studio de Cergy est implanté dans un écrin de verdure (Parc Saint-Christophe de Cergy) avec restaurant d'entreprise et salle de sport pour les plus actifs. Au coeur de la capitale des Gaules, le studio de Lyon se situe entre l'Hôtel-Dieu et la Place Bellecour. Le studio est facile d'accès en transports en commun, et n'est qu'à quelques encablures des typique bouchons lyonnais, bars, cafés, boutiques, espace piéton et autres réjouissances du centre-ville. L'équipe de Montpellier bénéficie du cadre idyllique du Sud de la France, le studio n'étant qu'à 20' en voiture de la nature et des plages méditerranéennes, tout en gardant la praticité de la proximité du centre-ville (10' en vélo).

Tous nos studios disposent :
- d'un espace détente avec une sélection de jeux et consoles dernière génération afin de jouer aux dernières sorties entre collègues pendant les pauses, soirées ou pour en profiter à la maison.
- d'une cuisine avec en libre-service boissons chaudes, sodas et fruits de saison pour satisfaire la gourmandise de chacun.
Virtuos recrutement

Senior Technical Director

1 candidat • CDI Cergy (95)

Description du poste

For our ongoing and unannounced projects, we are looking for a senior Technical Director motivated by overseeing versatile talented teams in order to develop AAA games for PC, Xbox Series and Play Station 5 platforms, essentially with Unreal Engine 5. Depending on the mission, the ownership can cover topics such as game architecture, feature implementation guidance, tool chain design, cutting-edge tech innovation, graphics system improvement, optimization strategy and DevOps streamlining.
various missions around Gameplay, Animation, Graphics and Tool fields, on large-scale game development projects for PC, Xbox Series and PlayStation 5, in order to establish guidance and architecture for our team of talented developers.

Responsabilities :
  • Establish the development strategy and the staff plan for the entrusted project proposals, under validation by the studio technical director.
  • Manage the development strategy of the assigned projects, in agreement with the studio technical director and the producer of each project, in order to guide the lead developer and his team.
  • Define, for the most complex technical problems, the development solutions to be adopted that are the most appropriate for each situation.
  • Assess the technical risks raised and their implications in production and propose appropriate mitigation plans.
  • Advise the development teams on a daily basis on the best choices to adopt to achieve the objectives of the projects and maximize the safety of productions.
  • Ensure that work methods are applied in a compliant manner.
  • If necessary, participate in the development of the project, in particular for the implementation of critical functionalities.
  • Exchange information useful for the smooth running of the project with other development, design or artistic production teams, whether local or remote.
  • Propose improvements to existing features, for the sake of the final quality of the game.
  • Ensure that the result of the performed work reaches the required quality.
  • If necessary, write out technical documentation explaining how an existing or future system works and is used.
  • Report regularly to the studio technical director on the status of the projects entrusted to you.

Profil recherché

  • Graduated from a computer engineering school.
  • Minimum 7 years of experience in the development of multimedia or real-time 3D computer projects, with a minimum of 3 years in the video game industry.
  • Have taken part at least to the release of one AA/AAA PC or console game at a significant position in the development team.
  • Proven experience as a lead developer or in an equivalent or higher management position.
  • Proficiency in C++ and object-oriented programming.
  • Proven experience in low-level system programming or game engine programming.
  • Excellent understanding of the impact of code on performance and memory usage.
  • Ability to work on multiple projects and to manage priorities properly.
  • Ability to work with teams effectively in a good professional relationship.
  • Autonomous, rigorous, proactive and diplomatic.
  • Very good command of technical English, in both written and oral aspects.

Additional skills considered a plus
  • Deep knowledge of Unreal Engine 5.
  • Appetite for optimization.
  • Experience in DevOps.
Position based in Cergy. Partial work from home possible.
Permanent contract.

A fournir

Resume - cover letter - web site - references... (if relevant)

A l'attention de : Recruitment manager
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