2,120 lecteurs
Ka-Ra (logo)
39 rue du jeu des enfants
67000 Strasbourg

Postée le : 04.09.2018
Référence : AFJV-EDEV431-14347


For over 25 years, Epic Games has been making award-winning games and game engine technology that empowers others to make visually stunning games and 3D content that brings environments to life like never before. Epic’s award-winning Unreal Engine technology not only provides game developers the ability to build high-fidelity, interactive experiences for PC, console, mobile, and VR, it is also a tool being embraced by content creators across a variety of industries such as media and entertainment, automotive, and architectural design. As we continue to build our Engine technology and develop remarkable games, we strive to build teams of world-class talent.

Développeur(se) 3D Temps Réel (H/F)

16 candidats • CDI Strasbourg (67)

Description du poste

Cette annonce est arrivée à expiration. Elle avait été postée pour la première fois le 04.09.2018
Toutes les annonces affichées sur le portail de l'emploi de l'afjv datent de moins de 3 mois.
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