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3D Animator | Layout Artist | Assistant Producer6 nov 2024ChristopheI hold a bachelor in Audiovisual Media from Media University Stuttgart and a master in Animation Film from LUCA School of Arts Brussels. During my studies I worked on 4 animated student shorts 3 of which I directed in teams of 6-11 students. Mostly I did layout work, animated, wrote, directed and co-produced. I did a professional training course at The Animation Workshop Denmark for character animation, between my bachelor and master. Robert Bosh GmBH - LUCA School of Arts
3d animator5 nov 2024SudiptaHi I am Sudipta. I have 5 year experience in the 3D animation field. I have worked on many national and international projects I complete my graduation Utkal university and complete my 3d animation course zee institute of creative artchstudio,kolkata - ChatOwl Inc - wackytoons pvt Ltd
Animateur 3D5 nov 2024VincentFort de 6 ans d'expérience en animation 3D, j'ai commencé par la série d'animation avec pyjamasques saison 3, puis me suis dirigé vers le jeu vidéo chez Sloclap où j'ai été au centre des chantiers cinématiques du jeu SIFU durant un an et demi. Mes compétences étant plutôt axées sur l'animation de personnage, j'ai néanmoins appris beaucoup au contact de la réal sur ces chantiers et de cinematic artistes talentueux. TeamTO - SLOCLAP - FREELANCE
Inforaphiste 3D ou chargé de projet5 nov 2024SamirInfographie 3D incluant modélisation, texturation et animation Conception de terrain (SIG) Réalisation/montage de films Motion Design et VFX Photographie / Photomontage Formation/Pédagogie Encadrement d'équipe Conception de terrain virtuel (SIG) via Unreal Engine Lead Artist Direction artistique des projets Responsable de projet 3D ( simulation drone...) Encadrement d'équipe (jusqu'à 5 collaborateurs) PIXXIM - SOPRA STERIA
3D Artist4 nov 2024AudreyI have a collegial diploma in 3D modeling for video games, where I learned the entire process of creating a game. There, I had the opportunity to develop my skills with several softwares such as 3DS Max, Maya, Zbrush, Substance 3D Suite, Marmoset, Unreal Engine, Unity, etc. I have also been a tutor for 7 months in the same field, helping students learn more and develop their skills, pushing them to better themselves and their creativity.Campus ADN - Cegep du Vieux Montréal
FX artist / Graphiste / Animateur 2D-3D4 nov 2024SachaDiplômé en graphisme et en animation 2D/3D, je me suis spécialisé dans les effets visuels sur Houdini. Cependant, je reste ouvert et souhaite travailler dans tout type de poste qui me permettra de mettre à contribution mes compétences techniques. Je dispose d'une expérience de directeur artistique junior en agence marketing. Agence Caribou
Artist or 2D Animator4 nov 2024KyleMy Education degree's are in Games Design, Games Art and 2D Animation. I would be seeking a creative role in the Games Industry but have had previous experience in Brand Management and content generation in other areas outside of games. Have used Godot, Untiy and Unreal for games and Toonboom Harmony, Spine and Photoshop for Digital Creation.Flock Animation - instinct laboratory - kaaimans international
3D Animator3 nov 2024Raunaki have done BFA in animation . i have an experience of 10 years as a 3D animator. i have the software knowledge of maya, blender, motion builder, unreal engine etc. Senior 3d Animator, Phantom FX - Sr.3dAnimator,TechnicolorGames - Sr.3DAnimator,LakshyaDigital
3D Animator3 nov 2024PedroHello! I was about to apply for the animation Role, but It was closed! I decided to send my CV and Animation Reel anyway, you guys may like it and maybe in a near future you may need a new animator to the team. My name is Pedro Medeiros and I have 10 year of experience in animation. My passion is to create stylized keyframe animation that's why I was perfect for the animton role. Diorama Digital - Big Moxi Games - Voronezh studio
Game Artiste 3D 30 oct 2024RémyJ'ai fait une école de jeu vidéo Game Academy à Avignon. J'ai réalisé plusieurs travaux pour des particuliers, je cherche aujourd'hui un emploi et une situation plus stable. Je travail avec Maya, Zbrush, Blender, Substance painter. Vous pouvez trouver mes travaux sur mon Artstation NemyART. N'hésitez pas à me contacter.Game Academy
3D Animator30 oct 2024MuhammadI am a freelance 3D animator with 8 years of experience. Recently workedon Disney's Pupstruction season 01 and season 02 remotely. I can handle remote working hours accordingly. I am currently living in Dubai, UAE. I am available on fulltime freelance contract. I have a bachelors degree in naimation as well.Rainbow CGI - Terminal FX - Ice Animations
CFX Artist, 3D Artist, Technical Animator30 oct 2024GergelyI am an experienced (5 years) Creature Effects Artist with a general understanding of the CG Pipeline. Although I am specialized in the CFX field creating and simulating cloths hair, muscle and skin, I also have a general knowledge of the whole CG workflow. I worked on a few Marvel shows and a bunch of AAA Game trailers, and previously I modelled, and planned mock-up buildings for manufacturing with 3D printing, and CNC-milling.Framestore - Platige Image - Digic Pictures
3D/technical artist30 oct 2024StevenI have 15 years of professional experience as a 3D Artist and Technical Artist. I am also the solo developer of the videogame Hijack Overdrive, which I worked on for 4 years and released on Steam in May 2023. And I also create game development tools which I sell on the Unity Asset Store. My main expertise is as a 3D and technical artist, but my biggest passion is game design. So I would also be very much interested in a position as game designer.Aim Productions - Camco Technologies
Infographiste 3d de rendu ou developpeur29 oct 2024MichaelJe suis infographiste 3D avec plus de 15 ans d'expérience, spécialisé dans l'éclairage et le rendu (Lighting ), avec des compétences en compositing. J'ai récemment terminé une formation en Développement full stack (Django/python et Angular), au cours de laquelle j'ai développé une application de suivi de production. Je recherche des opportunités d'emploi en tant que lighter, mais serais aussi intéressé par des rôles impliquant du développement
Animator / Animation Supervisor / Director29 oct 2024SimonGames: - RuneScape MMORPG. UI: - XBox Interface / Canal+ / RTL / Sky Television. Feature Films: - "Disenchanted" / "The Day The Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie" / "Teen Titans Go To The Movies!" / "A Child's Christmas In Wales". TV Series: - "Teen Titans Go!" / "Looney Tunes Cartoons" / "Middlemost Post" / "The Hollow". Portfolio: DNA - Jagex Games Studio - Rare Games Ltd.
3D animator29 oct 2024Arthur2018->2022: Bachelor's degree in 3D animation at HEAJ Namur, Belgium. 2022->2024: Main Animator/Rigger at Abstraction Games. I worked mainly on Gigantic Rampage edition, I was responsible for the Rigging, Animation and Integration of the new characters. I also worked on other internal project under NDA.Abstraction Games
Artiste 3D29 oct 2024Jerry JuniorJeune Artiste 3D passionné et polyvalent, j'ai participé à de nombreux projets de groupe, de mode et divers qui ont affiné ma capacité à collaborer et à m'adapter à différents défis créatifs. Motivé à relever de nouveaux défis, je souhaite rejoindre votre équipe pour continuer à apprendre et enrichir mon expérience.
Artiste 3D29 oct 2024JérômeJe suis un artiste 3D avec 6 ans d'expérience dans la création d'environnements immersifs stylisés et réalistes avec Unreal Engine 4 principalement pour des jeux en réalité virtuelle Virtual Room - Bubble VR
Animator28 oct 2024MiguelI studied animation at bournemouth University, then took an animschool game animation course. at slipgate ironworks I created rigs and animations for a number of NPCs and Bosses in Graven. I also created all the boss cutscenes for that game. At Hekate I worked on creature animations and cutscenes for the Horror game Ad Infinitum. I worked on Remedy's FBC Firebreak during my time at Red Kite games where I worked with mocap and tech animationHekate - Slipgate Ironworks - Red Kite Games
2D Artist27 oct 2024GabrielJe suis un jeune illustrateur passionné, j'ai suivi une formation de deux ans à CG Spectrum, où j'ai perfectionné mes compétences en illustration sous la supervision du mentor Erik Wilkerson. Je cherche actuellement un poste d'artiste 2D pour contribuer à des projets inspirants et collaborer avec des équipes talentueuses.